Multiculturalism and Dechristianization, Part 3: Tying Pedophilia and Human Trafficking to the Satanic-Atheist Axis and… UFO’s

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In April 2021, the Biden administration launched an anti-Christian globalist grant program designed to subvert religious practice. Titled “DRL FY20 IRF Promoting and Defending Religious Freedom Inclusive of Atheist, Humanist, Non-Practicing and Non-Affiliated Individuals,” it would instead ensure “dissent from religious belief” within the “context of intersectional identities.”  

There can be little doubt that this will expand the thus-far successful efforts to force true Christianity underground, while atheism, Islam, and ‘unchurched spirituality’ find the wind at their backs. Competing religions, including witchcraft and paganism, are trending. During the Cold War, for example, the Soviet government found the Hindu exercise routine, yoga, to be useful in brainwashing people to ‘detach’ from the very real issues of the day, as well as traditional Christian practices, because of its focus on a religious-driven form of exercise requiring extreme self-introspection to attain ‘unity’ with God, and to free themselves from the cycle of birth and death through the required prayers to its patron god, the cosmic dancer, Shiva.

Shiva is the god of destruction and of time; and the supreme lord who creates, protects, and transforms the universe.

Meanwhile, false teachers of the Gospel corrupt a new generation of disciples by preaching heretical doctrines such as the ‘prosperity gospel’ and a liberal revision of the faith that promotes Jesus Christ as a savior delivered to service our wants and cater to our carnal desires rather than to atone for the sins of mankind (i.e., the recent marketing campaign featured in the He Gets Us commercials). In addition, educators and school systems mandate Critical Race Theory and incorporate pornography into their curricula. Efforts are underway to strip citizens of their parental rights should they refuse to provide things, such as hormonal treatments, to transition their children into a different gender. 

This is not a new concept, however. For decades, demagogues like Bertrand Russell arrogantly bemoaned what he described as ‘cruel and dangerous’ taboos attributed to the ‘unnatural repression of the child’s strongest impulses’ within the obstructive influence of the home. He also blamed the influence of Christianity on Western families at the time, citing his flawed interpretation of the faith’s “regretful hankering after the past, or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men.” 

Foreshadowing the realities for a distant future in which Big Pharma would play a major role in fundamentally altering human behavior through medications like ‘The Pill’ and psych drugs, Russell wrote in The Impact of Science on Society (1952) that children should “be taught… mutual inclination” through public education in order to inculcate “an unsuperstitious sexual morality” in the bedroom. ‘The science’ for indoctrinating and grooming schoolchildren must be “rigidly confined to the governing class,” according to Russell, whose methods would combine a regimen of “Diet, injections, and injunctions… from a very early age” designed to “produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities will consider desirable.” But most important, Russell predicted that these methods would prohibit “any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” 

Therefore, success could only come, according to Russell, once “all… believe themselves happy,” even “if they are all miserable, because the government will tell them that they are so.” 

But Russell also warned that in order for the authorities “to close the minds of the young to everything contrary to official orthodoxy” ― up to and including teaching them to fulfill “their duty to denounce their parents if they allow themselves subversive utterances in the bosom of the family” ― not much can be done “unless indoctrination begins before age ten.” Otherwise, the governing class “that has been in charge of (their children’s) education for a generation” will not “be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.” 

In 2024, just as in Russell’s time, many leftists wish to ban homeschooling in order to deprive Christian parents of their right to choose the proper learning environment for their children. Some on the Left, like Melissa Harris-Perry, even express the view that ‘children belong to the community’, not to their parents.


Cover of Time, from August 8, 1966.

Consistent with cinematic themes found in Rosemary’s Baby, Eyes Wide Shut, and the Netflix series The Squid Games, the elites stave off boredom by cavorting salaciously among their peers. International celebrities, intellectuals, corporate CEO’s, and politicians ― including American presidents ― who promote child grooming and pedophilia are well-connected to secret societies tied to human trafficking, like the NXVIM cult, as well as Hollywood executive Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. Grainy video footage from Alex Jones’ undercover journalism inside of the popular Republican retreat at Bohemian Grove allegedly features a giant owl constructed in dedication to the pagan Canaanite god, Moloch, a figure to whom the Bible chronicles that babies and children were offered as human sacrifices. Powerful elements within the ‘green’ movement, such as Pope Francis’ climate czar, Hans Schellnhuber, invoke Greek pantheism by branding the depopulation agenda as a massive sacrifice of billions of people for the purpose of feeding the ‘queen of heaven’, Gaia, so that she will continue to sustain the earth, as if their existence serves as little more than compost. 

More recently, these debauched elites join the ‘scientific-technological elite’ in opening a portal into a New Age, in which the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12) emerge in the form of UFO’s, including what have been described as interdimensional alien lifeforms. According to Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), these extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity “can’t handle.” 

Legend has it that Aleister Crowley was the true father of Barbara Bush, the former First Lady and wife of the 41st president of the United States, George H.W. Bush, and mother of George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States. (Featured in Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World? (2006)

This is significant. For example, the satanic occultist Aleister Crowley, the self-proclaimed ‘Beast 666’ who earned the title of ‘the wickedest man on earth’, revealed that during a Sex Magick ritual, a physical specimen materialized through an interdimensional portal, which he identified as a demon by the name of ‘Lam’. Crowley’s sketch of Lam ― drawn some 43 years before the incident in Roswell, New Mexico ― closely resembles the iconic gray alien lifeforms commonly found on t-shirts and in science-fiction motion pictures, television programs, and documentaries on the subject of the top secret government facility, Area 51. Furthermore, the iconic Area 51 alien has found broad interest, even cult-like devotion, among perhaps three generations of New Age practitioners. 

The similarities in the physiognomies of Lam to the aliens also find parallels to the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, as well as actual giants found all over the world.

The close encounters between humans and the aliens who reportedly-manned the UFO’s also expose the degrees in which dechristianization disarms people from understanding the true nature of the threat that they pose. In fact, Crowley suggested that as societies dechristianize, their understanding of the facts will become distorted: “Today, they call them angels and demons,” according to Crowley, but “tomorrow they will call them something else.” Few today would ever believe Crowley, the founder of the cult of Thelema, if they bothered to read his explanation of how the ‘secret’ knowledge revealed to him while on his honeymoon in Cairo, Egypt, was delivered “by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.” 

Crowley identified “AIWAZ” as “the solar-phallic-hermetic ‘Lucifer’,” and that Lucifer, as Crowley’s “Holy Guardian Angel,” is who Christians will identify as “SATAN or HADIT.” 

According to Crowley, the most important lesson that Satan imparted was, “There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. Love is the law, love under will.” This theme remains entrenched throughout every nook-and-cranny of the popular culture, including in the entertainment industry, retail and advertisements, the medical field through the transgender and homosexual agendas, the use of psychodelics and Dianetics in fringe quarters of psychiatry, as well as the scientific community.

Prominent Crowley disciples who have left their indelible marks on American society have included L. Ron Hubbard, the science-fiction author who founded the Church of Scientology; Jack Parsons, the father of modern rocket science; Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan; and Timothy Leary, the noted Harvard scholar and advocate for the philosophy of mind expansion and personal truth through LSD, who was particularly infamous for inspiring ‘hippies’ to embrace the New Age counterculture during the 1960’s by advocating for young people to detach from existing conventions and hierarchies using the phrase, “turn on, tune in, drop out.” President Richard Nixon even once described Leary as “the most dangerous man in America.”


Despite Crowley’s deep commitment to Satan and the cult of Thelema, he also stated, “I am alone. There is no God where I am.” Furthermore, he mocks religions and cultures who place blame on Satan for all sin, evil, and misfortune: according to Crowley, “‘The Devil’ is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes.”

After seven decades of avowed atheist enemies of Christianity successfully securing bans on prayer in public schools and removal of the Ten Commandments from government facilities and courthouses, the Satanic Temple, which champions the transgender agenda, now erects statues inside of state capital buildings (most recently, in Iowa) of the Baphomet ― which includes one young boy and one young girl looking up to its face, which is that of a goat. In addition, the Satanic Temple is consistent in its objective to reach out to young people by hosting afterschool ‘Satan clubs’ for young students, and religious abortion rituals that are open to the public ― all of which, with the full faith and participation of Democrat politicians and conservative constitutional absolutists, who hypocritically defend this as ‘free speech’.

Part of the grand deception of a multicultural, dechristianized America is embodied within the rhetoric of the left-wing social activist Lucien Greaves, co-founder of the Satanic Temple: “I don’t think children approaching the monument without being primed by propaganda will find anything horrific about it,” because “For the most part children are forced into religion.”

The Baphomet emblem is a hermaphrodite figure that features physical traits commonly associated with both men and women. In between the Baphomet’s horns lie a torch and a pentagram on his forehead, its arms bearing the Latin words SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (join together) to symbolize the powers of “binding and loosing” usurped from God by embodying all the binary opposites while celebrating contrasts: above and below; part animal, part human; male and female. Furthermore, the Baphomet raises its right hand, which features two fingers on the right hand pointing up, and two on the left hand pointing down, meaning “as above, so below,” similar to what is taught in Freemasonry

The Baphomet also features the wings of an angel (Satan, after all, once anointed by the Lord as ‘a guardian cherub’, was among the Fallen Angels), as well as the head, legs, and feet of the scapegoat described as part of the Passover ritual in Leviticus 16:10 (“But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the wilderness as a scapegoat”). The Hebrew translation for that scapegoat’s name is ‘Azazel’. 

“And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the LORD and the other lot for Azazel.” (Leviticus 16:8)

According to the Book of Enoch, Azazel was the Fallen Angel who “taught men to make swords and knives and shields and breastplates; and made known to them the metals [of the earth] and the art of working them; and bracelets and ornaments; and the use of antimony and the beautifying of the eyelids; and all kinds of costly stones and all coloring tinctures.” Azazel’s teachings resulted in “much godlessness,” for the descendents of Adam (Hebrew for ‘man’) had “committed fornication, and they were led astray and became corrupt in all their ways.” It was during this time that the ‘Sons of God’ (aka., the Fallen Angels) came into the daughters of Adam and created the race of giants known as the Nephilim, described in Genesis 6:1-4 as ‘the heroes of old, men of renown’

Consequently, God condemns Azazel for his actions:

“The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”

(Book of Enoch 10:8)

As a result, the Lord commanded the archangel Raphael to “bind Azazel hand and foot and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert – which is in Dudael – and cast him therein.” In addition, Raphael was ordered to “place upon (Azazel) rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there forever, and cover his face that he may not see light.”

The staff of Hermes (Caduceus) found commonly on medical symbols.

Finally, the symbol of Caduceus, an old Greek symbol of two serpents entwined around a staff ― the staff which was carried by Hermes and heralds in general, symbolizing trade, negotiation and reciprocity ― is located on the Baphomet’s torso. The Caduceus symbol is sometimes used by healthcare organizations (i.e., on the sides of ambulance vehicles), often surmounted by wings. This could also symbolize the Serpent in Eden, who corrupted Eve by tempting her to eat the ‘forbidden fruit’ from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is often used in relation to science, the universe and God, and according to satanists, this hand gesture expresses “the perfect harmony of mercy with justice.”

The association with the serpent thus connects Hermes ― one of the Twelve Olympians of the Greek pantheon of gods, commonly acknowledged as ‘the divine trickster’, as well as the god of boundaries, roads, travelers, merchants, thieves, athletes, shepherds, commerce, speed, cunning, language, oratory, wit, and messages ― to Apollo, as later the serpent was associated with Asclepius, the “son of Apollo.” 


Apollo was tied to numerous imperial rulers throughout ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. For example, the ancient Greek biographer, Plutarch, wrote that Alexander the Great was conceived one night when his father, King Philip of Macedon, found a huge snake in the bed next to his sleeping wife, Olympia of Epirus, which was said to have been Zeus Ammon in disguise. Although the prophet Daniel does not refer to him by name, Alexander the Great is also depicted as the he-goat and King of Javan (Greece) coming from the west and crossing the earth without touching the ground, charging the ram in a great rage, and finally shattering the horns of Media and Persia and knocking the ram to the ground, before trampling it (Daniel 8:3-8).

Apollo del Belvedere statue (Also called ‘Pythian Apollo’), located inside the Vatican City.

Years later, after Alexander’s Hellenistic forces invaded and conquered the śramanic-influenced Parthian Empire (in modern-day Afghanistan) around 332 BC, human images of the Buddha appeared. Inspired by the style of Hellenistic artists, the Buddha was beautifully dressed in a light toga and halo, with the contrapposto stance of the upright figures, classical Mediterranean curly hair and the top-knot, and looked much like the Belvedere Apollo (330 AD). This resulted in the religious syncretism between the Hellenistic culture and the Buddhism which existed until 5th century AD. Not only did ‘Greco-Buddhism’ influence the Greeks, it found its way into parts of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, China, the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Siberia, and Vietnam. 

Source: Sunnatram Forest Monastery

Nowadays, many researchers wonder whether the Buddha ― the name which the prince Siddhartha Gautama, ‘The Awakened One’ who lived in present-day Nepal around the 5th century BC, would be called ― also represents the actual face of Alexander. That Alexander himself was the model for the image of Apollo on coins issued by Phillip is a matter of historical fact. But might Daniel’s description of Alexander also link him, and the Buddha, to the scapegoat, Azazel the Fallen Angel, too?

Apollo is also prominently discussed by the Book of Revelation’s author, John of Patmos (aka., John the Apostle, “the disciple Jesus loved”), who referred to the Greek god of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, light, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young, as ‘Apollyon’ in Greek and ‘Abaddon’ in Hebrew, as well as ‘the Destroyer’. Thus in 54 AD, about 377 years after Alexander’s conquest of Parthia and India, Nero, whom many early Christians identified as the Antichrist (more specifically, ‘the Beast of the Earth’, according to the Book of Revelation), succeeded his uncle, Claudius, to become Roman emperor following his predecessor’s mysterious death after consuming poisoned mushrooms. 

As Caesar, Nero held the title of ‘Pontifex Maximus’, and was also acknowledged as a ‘living god’. The position of Pontifex Maximus was the high priest of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome, and the most important position in the ancient Roman religion. Nero’s favorite figure among the Greco-Roman gods was none other than Apollo, who he not only pointed to as his precedent and archetype in music, he could also insist upon him as a god of war. Therefore, one could claim that Nero glorified Apollo to justify building his regime through a uniquely totalitarian combination ― venerating a very military deity who also served as a patron of culture. 

In addition, ‘Pontifex Maximus’ is a title held by every Catholic pope since Gratian Caesar bestowed it upon Pope Damasus I at Thessalonica in 380 AD, where the Edict was issued proclaiming that Nicean Christianity would henceforth replace the ancient pagan cults as the empire’s official religion. Similar to the pagan emperors holding that title, the pope claims to act as “the earthly representative of Christ” (‘Vicar of Christ’).

Furthermore, the Great Persecution of the early Church, which Nero launched after falsely blaming Rome’s Christian population for the fire set inside the city around 64-65 AD, is well chronicled. What is not commonly acknowledged, or understood, is the biblical significance driving the Jews of Judea’s boiling discontent with the Romans, which resulted in Nero ordering the occupation of the province in 66 AD.

Jerusalem may have been the identity of ‘Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast (of the Sea)’ described in Revelation 17:5. Babylon rode ‘the Beast (of the Sea)’, which likely was the identity of the Roman Empire according to John.

In Revelation 13:3, John identified the evil spirit of Apollo as the Beast of the Earth. He then explained, “The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.” Furthermore, he reveals in Revelation 13:2, “The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.” Thus in 67 AD, during the second year of the Zealot Revolt in Jerusalem, Nero, an amateur musician, was on his tour through Greece, where he courted public applause by appearing in the arena as singer, player, and charioteer ― all of which are characteristics attributed to the pagan Greco-Roman god, Apollo. 

That dragon, according to Revelation 12:9 and again in 20:2, is identified as “that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan” ― the ‘crafty’ figure who deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, which resulted in the Fall of Man. As Apollo was also the Greco-Roman ‘god of light’, the people who had followed the Beast of the Earth had also, by proxy, worshipped Satan ― who “masquerades as an angel of light,” according to 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Meanwhile, details of Nero’s death vary. But according to one account by the historian Suetonius, Nero committed suicide around 68 AD. As an anxious Nero, in the spirit of Apollo, paced up and down, mentally preparing himself to take his own life, he was said to have repeatedly muttered,  “What an artist the world is losing!”

The situation in Jerusalem deteriorated rapidly during the two years after Nero’s death, which included the civil war that destabilized the empire known as the Year of the Four Emperors. In 70 AD, some 40 years after the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, Roman forces under the command of Titus destroyed the city and rushed into the second temple ‘like a flood’. They confiscated the temple’s gold “like a thief in the night” (Matthew 24:43; 1 Thessalonians 5:2), which would be used to fund the construction of the Colosseum.  

If this biblical interpretation is correct and it can be assumed that John was writing at the time of the Siege of Jerusalem, then Titus followed the orders of his father, who John may have identified as “the emperor who is,” Vespasian, who he later succeeded in 79 AD as ‘the seventh king’. Yet Titus’s reign was relatively short ― John’s prophecy was fulfilled when Titus only ruled for ‘a little while’ before dying from natural causes two years later in 81 AD. Titus was succeeded by his wicked brother, Domitian, who would logically be the identity of ‘the eighth beast’ who belonged to ‘the seven’ described in Revelation 18:11. Domitian went to his destruction in 96 AD after he was assassinated by court officials.


When describing Aiwass, Crowley explained, “This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade ‘Know Thyself!’ and taught Initiation.” Additionally, Crowley claimed that Aiwass’s “emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection” ― and therefore, esoteric in nature, understood by only a few. 

Poster honoring Aleister Crowley belong to the Ordo Templi Orientis, an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss. Crowley is the best-known and most influential member of the order, and the image of ‘Baphomet’ in the center would become a central icon for the Church of Satan by its founder, Anton LaVey.

Might Crowley’s sketch of the demon known as Lam provide insight into the physical nature of his ‘Holy Guardian Angel’, Satan, as well as the ancients? Or confirm that the Fallen Angels are, in effect, the ancient gods known as the Anunnaki from Babylonian mythology, whom many fringe conspiracy theorists believe were aliens who invaded Earth in manned ‘flying objects’ after climate change forced them to abandon their planet (according to some, Nibiru)?

Perhaps more importantly, will anyone really care to acknowledge Lam as a demonic entity tied to the Bible?

America’s governing elites, especially its public education system, are ‘a brood of evildoers’ (Isaiah 1:4) who must stand condemned for corrupting at least three generations of children until one of the most religious Christian nations in history finally deteriorated into a ‘sinful nation… given to corruption’. Through their efforts, the American public’s wisdom has become corrupted to where their voting behavior and priorities reflect those of “a warped and crooked generation” (Deuteronomy 32:5) who “have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him.” The Baphomet provides an unmistakably satanic seal of approval to legitimize the LGBTQ movements’ agenda to sexualize young children, and for the pro-choice lobby to join the Satanic Temple in hosting public religious rituals that offer up newly-aborted babies as human sacrifices to Satan. Under a similar theme, Hans Schellnhuber cites an ode to Greco-Roman pantheism through his proposal to reduce the global population under ‘The Gaea Principle’, at a time when students are indoctrinated to accept the ‘climate change’ narratives through a cult-like lens.

The Lord likewise condemned the people of Israel in Chapter 4 of Hosea after “they exchanged their glorious God for something disgraceful.” While Christ may have declared that “the gates of Hades will not overcome” the Church he built according to Matthew 16:18, he also informed Peter and the other disciples, in giving to him “the keys of the kingdom of heaven,” that they will be responsible for whatever they bind on earth, as it “will be bound in heaven,” and whatever they unleash on earth, as they will be unleashed in heaven. As the Church is always referred to in the feminine (“The Bride of the Lamb,” according to Revelation 21), the Lord will ‘reject’ his priests who have ‘rejected knowledge’  ― “I will destroy your mother ― my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:5-6). 

Note that it won’t be “the gates of Hades” who will destroy ‘the mother’, the Church.

If Crowley was correct when he revealed that Aiwass, or Satan, was his “own Holy Guardian Angel,” then that little gray interdimensional space alien in his sketch now marks millions of people who are spiritually unaware that at least some forms of science-fiction might not be as fictitious as they seem. Such a grand deception is guaranteed to exacerbate the great falling away from the faith ― for example, NASA already examined how each of the world’s major religions may respond to news that intelligent life exists on other planets. In fact, one Christian scholar, Rev. Andrew Davidson, focused his work on the connection between astrobiology and Christian theology, and the prospect of there having been ‘many incarnations’ of Jesus Christ. This will certainly accelerate the globalists’ open conspiracy to wage war on all, especially at the expense of the ancient Christian population found among the West’s white ethnic majorities.

At the end of the day though, we must remember that Christ instructed his disciples to “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Luke 18:16), because if the world ignores the Lord’s commandments, he will also ignore their children ― “I never knew you,” said Christ, “Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matthew 7:23). 

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