Multiculturalism and Dechristianization, Part 3: Tying Pedophilia and Human Trafficking to the Satanic-Atheist Axis and… UFO’s

If Crowley was correct when he revealed that Aiwass, or Satan, was his “own Holy Guardian Angel,” then that little gray interdimensional space alien in his sketch now marks millions of people who are spiritually unaware, and guarantees to exacerbate the great falling away from the faith and godless behavior.

When Populism is One Right Step From Entering a Munich Beer Hall

If the future indictments pose serious threats to Trump’s prospects of a second presidency, America may soon find out whether MAGA will unleash “death & destruction” as their cult leader commanded. And the populist ‘Reichstag moment’ as characterized of the January 6th riots which spilled over into the Capitol may in fact take that last right step into a Munich beer hall.