Can a Narcissist Be Intimidated and Crushed? Yes. But Telling Him the Truth May Prove Fatal.

Once upon a time (or, about five or so years ago), two sides could debate civilly, providing information that they themselves found to be credible as to their position, even if the other party did not find what was claimed to be entirely credible. But today in the age of ‘safe spaces’, ‘triggered microaggressions’ and…

Game Over: The World is Finished. Democracy Cannot Help Us Now.

In echoing Christ’s Sermon on the Mount during a June 16, 1858 address in Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln declared that the United States of America, as a house divided, cannot stand. In that heated Zeitgeist of antebellum America, the 49-year old future president did not believe America could endure as ‘permanently half slave and half…

The Difference Between Communism and the Hitler Faith is Very Slight

Because of this slight difference between rebellious nature to destroy Christian morality under ‘the Hitler faith’ (the Jewish Jesus Christ), and the amoral, godless dogma driving the utilitarian nature of Communism, the matter that mass murder and state terrorism was not a matter for debate. The reason, the largely irrelevant position over who should die between the racially unfit or those classes (bourgeoisie) failing to justify their existence was, not if or why, given they were one-and-the-same demographics. Because of this, the difference between history’s two most genocidal ideologies, in the words of Joseph Goebbels, are slight.

Deconstructing Political Correctness 101, Part One: A Brief History of What Makes Us

As Joseph Stalin once noted, “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” The politically correct end likewise for Democrats and the globalist elites is to reconstruct a brave new world where “all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so,” be it through “war without bloodshed” or “politics with bloodshed”.  Other prominent leftists like Russell and Margaret Sanger rejected traditional Judeo-Christian checks on human sexuality stunting the spread of scientism and secular humanism that reinforce Aryan supremacy as with National Socialism, or though those who otherwise fell under the Marxist-Leninist umbrella of “Scientific racism… an equal opportunity discriminator.” After all, anyone alive with a “defective gene pool” or resistant to ‘correct political views’ can fall prey to those profiting off ‘blood money’. After all, Planned Parenthood —  as “self-consciously organized” by its founder, Sanger — was designed “in part, to promote and enforce White Supremacy” by packaging feminism as the great liberator for women oppressed by all “Marriage laws… a continuous sexual slavery and a compulsory motherhood… dictated and dominated by the Church always and ever upon the unquestionable grounds of the wisdom of the Bible”. Such a ‘somewhat unpleasant’ slippery slope acknowledged by Russell would never apply to racial and political “thoroughbreds” like Hitler, Russell and Sanger tabbed to preside over a “Population Congress” under the United Nations — for they, as “Really high minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.” Targeted specifically would be ‘True Christianity’ — what Jean-Jacques Rousseau defined to be the Christianity of the Gospels — and Judaism, in light of the return of the Jews to the Holy Land of Israel. And the scientists perfecting ‘technique’ to attack both, according to Russell, “will be rigidly confined to the governing class.” Without such secrecy reinforcing this massive foundation of ignorance necessary for driving the left-wing globalist elite, how else could billions be brainwashed “produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable”? It is here where history, coupled with resurrecting the organic and true nature behind the development of Anglo-American semantics through lexicology that could launch a third Great Awakening of the nation’s Judeo-Christian principles in today’s godless postmodern America.

Babylon is Falling In ‘The Age of Aquarius’

Nearly 20 years into the 21st Century, the children of the flower and surviving acolytes of Saul Alinsky, the Black Panther Party and Weather Underground dominate the American government and political infrastructures and universities. Emerging like angels of light blinding the world via sublimation using ‘flower power’, ‘peace, not war’, Vietnam war protests, the ‘Summer of Love’ and Woodstock, many from the ‘baby boom’ generation are now dying off due to natural causes. But the damage of ‘the dawn’, so irreparable, is done. Its aftermath continues yielding far louder sunsets prior to full darkness each day. Pope Francis, a closet liberation theologian since ‘the dawn of Aquarius’, frightens both Catholics and polemics alike fearful of global agendas and moral relativity. With the push to force the Roman Catholic Church to accept women into the priesthood, the idea that should Hillary Clinton — who openly announced her desire to become a preacher following her election loss to Donald Trump in November 2016 — could then choose to convert from Methodism to Roman Catholicism and enter the ministry only convinces me that the Vatican, already under the influence of an apostate false prophet, could one day play host to her as the pope to a global religion — and she, a child from ‘the dawn’ of the ‘Age of Aquarius’, would be revealed as “Babylon the Great the Mother of Prostitutes, and of the Abominations of the Earth”.

Trump May Be a Liar, But Ben Shapiro is Wrong About ‘Roseanne’ and Contemporary Conservatism

The young, disgruntled intellectual elitist Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief and owner of the conservative online publication The Daily Wire, has got the phenomena behind the enthusiastic embrace of the reboot to Roseanne all wrong. He actually believes that America was, once upon a time, this majestic Utopia and a paragon of moral perfection, and in the process, he frequently paints American history using a separate, yet equally dangerous revisionist palette from the one the Left prefers under dialectic materialism. He appears under some delusion that perhaps his biggest fan, former porn star and now sober mother Jenna Jameson, now a devoted conservative and like Shapiro, Jewish, must be cast aside under some misguided presupposition that while all conservatives are equal, some must be more equal than others. Collectively chiding conservatives as if all are supporters of President Trump for “celebrating because they believe that Roseanne is helping to cure the culture by depicting a Trump supporter as something other than a rube or an idiot,” he channels his inner Hillary Clinton, albeit softly, by redefining all conservatives as ‘Trump supporters’ who are today “blue collar leftists rather than conservatives.” Roseanne Barr’s character was for him a rare economic capitalist outlier pounding away as an equally militant ‘pro-gay-marriage, pro-abortion, feminist, and pro-transgenderism’ militant, and that conservatives now view her, as a Trump supporter, to be “a good person because of these views.” In spite of Roseanne’s far left-wing sister Jackie reminds her and the rest of the ‘deplorable’ American Right that they instantly resort to violence in the wake of opposition, Shapiro conspicuously reinforces this narrative by defining the “real difference between Trump voters and Hillary voters,” as “economic in nature, not cultural,” and that ‘The average conservative fan of the new show’ remains, in his mind, nothing other than ‘a rube or an idiot’ that he forgets also supports free speech, the Second Amendment, the power of prayer and family bonding, while being aware that as grandparents, Roseanne and Dan were quite limited in the roles with their grandchildren.

The Monastery of the Mind and ‘The New Patriotism’

Conservative scholar Victor Davis Hanson introduced the metaphor of ‘the monastery of the mind’ in his column for National Review — a self-imposed exile by the average American from the brutality of postmodern politics ‘into mental mountaintops’. Here is where ‘dreams of the past and fantasies of the future’ can alone be conceived and imagined, unscathed…

The Civil Rights Movement is Now An Abject Failure. Will Slavery Reparations or #Blaxit Come Next?

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump’s patented orange skin, comb over and small hands replaced Hitler’s mustache. And if you believe in CNN, then of course it must be true. But what is true is the current president’s utter dismemberment of the Obama legacy of governance without legislative oversight. Once, some three years ago, Obama’s second press secretary Josh Earnest alluded to the fact Obama considered unilaterally increasing taxation through unconstitutional executive fiat. Combine these rumors with his degree to construct Housing and Urban Development projects in high-end and middle class neighborhoods, and the writing is not only on the wall, but some day when the Democrats control the White House and Congress, the final brick will have been laid for Apartheid. The lone questions, then, are how our government reconciles slavery reparations with growing demands for a black exodus to their ancestral lands in Africa (perhaps it shall be called #Blaxit), given the other demographics, most prominently the Asian community, are finding action, not good intentions, is the only option now.

What a Catch-22. Jim Crow is now the star of a minstrel show as the devil in a blue dress.

#MeToo Leftists Have Voted for Generations to Complete America’s Transformation Into a #ShitHole

People naturally love liars and passionately hate the insensitive rubes who tell the truth because the truth would set them free (John 8:31-34), and living the pleasurable lie is worth eternal enslavement to experience the euphoria of instant gratification. The liar, like the alchemists of old, is an evil genius dishing out ‘fool’s gold’ to compensate for his clientele’s inequities in exchange for participating in ‘the big lie’. And politicians who immediately pledge to ‘never lie’ (Jimmy Carter, anyone?) are the most beloved of all liars because, like any artful salesman, their lone goal is to sell lemons to prospective customers by mortgaging their reputation — the consequences be damned.

Whether they are crooked used car salesmen or politicians, or lifelong businessmen like Donald Trump with his pyramid scheme operation through Trump University, they all learned to play the consumer culture like hearts from Hell, to mimic the Devil’s impeccable mastery of intrigues. The most egregious politicians promise a free lunch, yet never disclose just where that mystery meat was purchased nor who actually paid for it. Therefore, it is only natural that most people love liars to the point of idolatry—  purchasing their posters, watching their films, reading ‘self-help’ books or accepting Oprah’s truth as the new Gospel — because people unerringly elect the wolf in sheep’s clothing while spurning the hated but reliable Shepherd tending his flock. Gullibility, marinated in the stew of greed, jealousy and dissolution, drive these blithe little sheep blinded by indignation to consume what the wolf in sheep’s clothing rationed until one day the wolf, himself facing starvation as the supply in storage dwindled, devours the last of the flock after revealing he not only had never been part of the flock, but had fed them the mutton of a neighbor whose fleece, white as snow, he now wears.

The Axis of Evil Wears the Emperor’s New Clothes

Late conservative foreign policy scholar Samuel P. Huntington accurately forecasted the post-Cold War world to be the most perilous in human history for the very reasons Margaret Thatcher observed regarding the West’s general obsession with a ‘peace dividend’ in the name of political correctness, which rejects the idea that “the only real peace dividend is peace.”  Thatcher’s…