The Civil Rights Movement is Now An Abject Failure. Will Slavery Reparations or #Blaxit Come Next?

The American lexicography died upon Rosa Parks’ refusal to leave her seat at the front of a Montgomery, AL, bus on December 1, 1955, for which she was arrested for her courageous demonstration of civil disobedience. The movement toward full desegregation of the American social framework had taken flight, having long been overdue. Slavery and Jim Crow are two of the major blights on America’s historical record through 2008. All racial demographics had successfully addressed old wounds through patience and due diligence to achieve greater trust, understanding, friendships and forbearance. Perhaps no more critical event in the history of American civil rights better exemplifies the end to statutory segregation than Brown v. Board of Education (1955), declaring public school district-sanctioned racial discrimination unconstitutional, with all levels of federal, state and local authorities engaging in such sanctioned provisions to yield to this new standard. The case was a landmark of such a nature that a nation accelerated its growth into a country of great expectations through good virtue — it killed Jim Crow laws in place since the end of the Civil War. The work of Abraham Lincoln to mend the nation was never fully realized. He was assassinated by Confederate-linked co-conspirator, actor John Wilkes Booth April 14, 1861, dying while comatose nine hours later.

By 2008, the Civil Rights Movement had rendered slavery and Jim Crow to the role of unpleasant anachronisms. Historians point to the 1968 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as the ‘official’ conclusion to nearly 15 years of social upheaval whose passions claimed the life of one president, forced out his successor and forever altered the discourse regarding sex. The Civil Rights Movement’s fruits ripened organically, peacefully, for 40 years. Now, a year after the Obama presidency concluded, race relations are regressed to proportions not seen since the 19th Century.

And there is no going back. Obama — heck the entire Left —  changed things. Forever. Martin Luther King, Jr’s dream of a world of diverse peoples co-existing peacefully was just a dream. We now live a nightmare.

Sally Kohn Tweet on Charlie Hebdo

American politics and popular culture are today monopolized by fried-out left-wing beatniks and survivors of the feckless 1960’s counterculture who believe ISIS can be destroyed by inviting James Taylor to sing “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” at the U.S. Embassy in Paris after the Charlie Hebdo shootings. This spineless response to terrorism was accompanied by the Obama administration’s obligatory ‘this is not Islam; this is not extremism’ whirling dervish, that the attacks by Al-Qaeda militants at the kosher delicatessen were not anti-semitic. Leftist CNN lesbian commentator Sally Kohn supported Al-Qaeda by blaming Charlie Hebdo for insulting an entire religious faith even as she, a Jew, would be executed for her homosexual lifestyle.

The right for Christians to pray in public schools was debarred over 50 years ago. Only two years ago, religious liberty for Christians was severely curtailed following the legalization of same sex marriages and subsequent pledge by the Obama administration to revoke tax exempt statuses for Christians daring to choose Christ over the state. Hospitals funded by faith-based charities are penalized for refusing to perform abortions. If Sharia law is to serve as a rule of law equal to our own, then the rehabilitation of Plessy v. Ferguson (‘separate but equal’) means no Christian or Jew will be safe. The Democrats, ripping a page from the manufactured refugee crisis in Europe, transformed California into a sanctuary state as a litmus test for housing refugees tied to ISIS.

America’s major cities remain segregated by race and ethnicity, some voluntarily, while others are cordoned off for public housing (ghettos) and dorms at universities, inspiring some, like black New York City councilwoman Laurie Cumbo, to demand forced segregation, while President Obama advocated racial quotas for charter schools. Public discourse over inevitable slavery reparations levied on all white Americans accelerated following an ‘accidental’ 2014 Dallas city council policy was approved. The first meaningful discussion in the media began when black conservative Fox Business Channel commentator Charles V. Payne expressed his fears.

America however was first warned of these events not 200 years ago by the traveling French nobleman, Alexis De Tocqueville, who well understood where the psychology behind a populist reign of terror (slave revolts) might lead as a survivor of the French Revolution after emancipation.  “The negro,” he writes, “enters upon slavery as soon as he is born… Equally devoid of wants and of enjoyment, and useless to himself, he learns, with his first notions of existence, that he is the property of another, who has an interest in preserving his life, and that the care of it does not devolve upon himself… he quietly enjoys the privileges of his debasement.” But one day, should the slave be emancipated, “independence” will become “a heavier burden than slavery,” given he knows only how “to submit to everything except reason.” He is “too much unacquainted with (liberty and independences’) dictates to obey them.” And once subsequent generations of the slave’s progeny bitterly contest the established order with their ‘thousand new deserves’, they descend into “such a depth of wretchedness, that while servitude brutalizes, liberty destroys him.” 

Paralleling any fictional antagonist in the struggle between good and evil, the rise of far left-wing black nationalism finally incurred the wrath of the long dormant white nationalist movement, which seized upon the opportunity behind Trump’s ‘America First’ platform. As Sir Isaac Newton articulates in his third law of motion, it is only natural that “To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts” —  though these are uncomfortable truths about how the pendulum effect serves to balance the natural order.

As for final solutions to this irreconcilable race divide, history provides answers that in today’s civilized world, seem unthinkable at first glance. In 1821, President James Monroe, in concert with the American Colonization Society’s proposal to transport freed slaves back to Africa, believed as do I and a growing number among the black community that the irreconcilable differences between the two races means that only a mutually-agreed divorce may prevent another civil war. Details also exist of Abraham Lincoln’s similar intention: that in applying both the carrot and the stick, he was of the mindset that white and black Americans could only live in peace on the same soil if they remained segregated in order to prevent further civil warfare. Details from the University of Michigan reveal Lincoln’s proposal to achieve ‘a glorious consummation’ by forcibly resettling freed slaves in ‘their long-lost fatherland’. Of course, this was met with stiff opposition by the educated elites within the black community and, most vocally, Frederick Douglass, “who ridiculed colonization as simply ‘a safety valve … for white racism'”.

French political philosopher Alexis De Tocqueville arrived at the same conclusion as Lincoln in Democracy in America regarding blacks and whites coexisting on free soil.

Alexis De Tocqueville with Quote for CHR

America is no longer a functioning republic. The presence of a demonstrable democratic process is a charade performed in the theater of the absurd. The white community, once the driving force in the public discourse due to its numerical superiority, no longer controls its own destiny, while the third largest racial demographic — the black community, comprising just 13 percent of the population — dominates, through its source of inspiration in the gang culture, the inseparable duality behind the political and cultural discourse. The police and right-wing activists are targeted by the Jacobinism of George Soros, Beyonce Knowles and husband Jay-Z. Men are weaker than their fathers and more feminine in the 21st Century than women. Jihadist-linked black power militias are outspoken advocates for white genocide. In doing so, the Left inadvertently admits peddling the narrative for exterminating the dysgenic black population through targeted abortions (‘positive selection’ to identify ‘marginal children’ according to Jonathan Gruber) by opening clinics in urban ghettos near segregated public housing.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Quote on Roe v. Wade
Interview with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, conducted by Emily Bazelon for The New York Times Magazine, titled “The Place of Women on the Court”. July 7, 2009.

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump’s patented orange skin, comb over and small hands replaced Hitler’s mustache — and if you believe in CNN, then of course it must be true. But what is true is the current president’s utter dismemberment of the Obama legacy of governance without legislative oversight. Once, some three years ago, Obama’s second press secretary Josh Earnest alluded to the fact Obama considered unilaterally increasing taxation through unconstitutional executive fiat. Combine these rumors with his decree to construct Housing and Urban Development projects in high-end and middle class neighborhoods, and the writing is not only on the wall, but some day when the Democrats control the White House and Congress, the final brick will have been laid for Apartheid. The lone questions, then, are how our government will reconcile slavery reparations with growing demands for a black exodus to their ancestral lands in Africa (perhaps it shall be called #Blaxit), given the other demographics, most prominently the Asian community, are finding action, not good intentions, is the only option now.

What a Catch-22. Jim Crow is now the star of a minstrel show as the devil in a blue dress.

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