[WATCH] “Why I Hate The Sixties” | BBC Documentary (Plus Commentary)

“The myth of the 60s was created before the decade was out. But what we have lived with ever since is a mirage, a mass hallucination, a fantasy. ‘Why I Hate the Sixties’ examines the truth behind the myth. It suggests that we were living on borrowed time – we partied as Britain lost an empire and slid into unchecked industrial decline. Archive footage and contributors of all political stripes build the case against the decade.”

—Peter Hitchens

‘Commodity Activism’ is “That ‘Thing’ You Do”

If you’ve ever purchased a bracelet for one of these causes to direct attention to a day or month celebrating each cause’s agenda, you know exactly what I’m talking about. That’s because you’ve bought into the whole hot mess like the typical consumer embracing a fad. There’s little to distinguish the natural tendency to ‘collectivize’ through tribalism, like a pack of wild hyenas justifying wearing such bracelets signaling our virtuous nature; we do, after all, feel the need ‘to belong’ based on our natural inclination for association in our communities. After all, how else might the human race go forth and be fruitful? This is commodity activism for you.