Romancing America

Ellis Island in New York City was the iconic point-of-entry for many immigrants in the past, and the first sight of America that many saw. As it turns out, there are many ‘Americas’ inside of one country.

America Must Shatter to Crystallize Peace at Home

Edmund Burke once said that “Custom reconciles us to everything.” Like Nebuchadnezzar’s statue shattered by the rock of the Lord, America must somehow reconcile its priorities with its lost identity and be shattered to reflect the divergent values of Rome and Byzantium and the struggles of Esau and Jacob in Rebekah’s womb. In the Bible, Jacob fathered the nation of Israel. A righteous America will thenceforth embrace the meek who will inevitably inherit the earth in order to crystallize the peace at home it so desperately needs. Only then might we find peace with a shattering world order that has no business governing us.

The Clown World Zeitgeist

Unless the America of the present rediscovers the task charged to government within the Preamble of our Constitution―“We the People of the United States, in order form a more perfect union”―the future looks to be communist ‘red’… or as absurd as a clown.

Game Over: The World is Finished. Democracy Cannot Help Us Now.

In echoing Christ’s Sermon on the Mount during a June 16, 1858 address in Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln declared that the United States of America, as a house divided, cannot stand. In that heated Zeitgeist of antebellum America, the 49-year old future president did not believe America could endure as ‘permanently half slave and half…

Sphere Sovereignty in the Postmodern World

Postmodernism is difficult to define because, according to its adherents’ worldview, to define it is to assume no definitive terms, boundaries nor absolute truths exist. For instance some question whether nationalism, politics, religion and warfare are byproducts of the primordial human mentality; if truth in itself is only an illusion; whether Christianity can claim primacy or…

The Left-Wing Normalization of the Great American Crisis

Americans well-versed in historical axioms recall one of its most iconic founding fathers, John Adams, phrasing to his beloved wife, Abigail, while boarded in Philadelphia on 7 July 1775 that “Liberty once lost is lost forever.” Yet few so educated either appreciate or understand from what perspective Adams had projected and in how liberty was lost, given they each…

The Separation of Church and State That’s Never Been

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, in mocking Winston Churchill at Tehran in 1943, asked, “God is on your side? Is He a Conservative? The Devil’s on my side, he’s a good Communist.” The hypocrisy was not in, of course, Stalin favoring Satan over God, but rather that “God’s not unjust, he doesn’t actually exist,” for He…